Thank You - Upgrade Your Checking Account
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Thank you for upgrading your account to get rewarded! We'll take care of all of the rest.
You will receive an email confirmation to review your changes. If you wish to change your account again, no problem! Simply submit another form or give us a call.
Reminder: If you upgraded your account to Simple Cash Back or Interest Rewards and you don’t already have online statements, please remember to sign up prior to the end of your statement cycle to avoid a paper statement fee of $3 (plus tax). Click to learn more about online banking and how to sign up for online statements.
Statement cycle end dates:
- Simple Cash Back: 10th of the month
- Interest Rewards: 15th of the month
- Premier: 20th of the month
Please contact us if you have any questions.
- Story City: (515) 733-4396
- Garner: (641) 923-2801